Wednesday 2 October 2013

180 Degree Rule Script, Video and Evaluation.


Two characters are engaging in conversation about a recent homework task.

Character 1: [Enters room]
Character 1: Hi
Character 2: Hi
Character 1: [Questioning] Have you done the homework?
Character 2: [Shocked] No, what homework?!
Character 1: The media homework that was set last week - we've had eight days to do it!
Character 2: [Confused] Oh... what was it?
Character 1: That worksheet we started in lesson
Character 2: [Relieved] Oh thats okay, i'll do it this lunch time!
Character 1: You better do it!
Character 2: I will!


Below is the recording of the dialogue.

We ensured in the completion of this task was to the best of our ability, by making sure the camera was in the correct place and on a tripod whilst filming and precision editing to make sure the cuts flowed together to create the simulation of a conversation. We made sure both actors we in the frame and that the left character was always on the left, and the right character always on the right. We filmed all in one take per character to ensure continuity and mise en scene were correct and precise. The thing we could do differently on this task is that we should film in a fully lit room rather than next to a window, as the lighting slightly differs from one character to the next, as they are opposite each other. To imporove on the task, we could film with two cameras rather than one to reduce time of filming, and make the editing process a lot easier to accomplish. The editing helped make meaning to the viewer as the characters were engaging in conversation, and so in the editing of one character to the next when they start talking emphasises to the audience that they are speaking to one another. We demonstrated the 180 degree rule effectively as the editing highlights that the characters are opposite each other, meaning a change of camera at 180 degrees was used to film the sequence between the characters. To ensure success on our next practical activity, we shall use two cameras to reduce filming speed considerably, and to enhance continuity in the editing process of our sequence. We will also use a better quality of lighting to make sure all the task is in the same brightness.

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